Then some error message came up about the computer being really hot.
Ohhhhhh, really? Ok, I'll just ignore that.
Then I decided, just in case, to check the temperature of the computer through the bios.
I can't remember exactly what it said, but there was some panic in my mind. Something about one hundred forty something.
Like, Really super duper hot. Which is weird, because this computer has two fans.
At that point the computer decided to take matters into its own hands, because obviously I was incapable of making a real decision.
It turned off. And then never turned on again.
I haven't buried the thing yet, because I'm vacillating between kicking it in the CPU and paying a witch doctor to reanimate it.
Either way, I haven't been blogging.
I had been cooking. Lots and lots of cooking. Until last week. Now I'm lots and lots of dieting. Which is depressing when you want to cook.
I finally decided to shoot jpeg, so I have a few pictures to show for myself, even if I have nowhere to store the pictures, for now.
This is a poor place to do a review for Christina Tosi's new cookbook, Momofuku Milk Bar, but I think you should run to your nearest on-line book store and buy it. You may be temporarily baffled by the fact that you will need to locate glucose for half of the recipes, but you should do it. You should follow Every. Single. Request. Christina Tosi makes in her recipes. Because if you do, you will be rewarded. You should measure every ingredient on a scale and force your husband to drive to Foodland to buy King Arthur Bread Flour at 11pm on a Saturday Night. You should spend an entire Saturday going to three stores to find CLEAR imitation vanilla. You should study, for hours, her directions, ingredient descriptions, and the products you will need to bake her amazing desserts.
Just bring a napkin to wipe up your drool.
Follow every letter to the T, and you will be rewarded.
Amaya said, "Take a picture of me eating!" So I'm including it, even though I botched up the focus. Even she has been missing being a part of my blog. |
Carrot Cake, graham frosting, liquid cheesecake, milk crumb, layered.

Who cares if you don't have a computer you still should post every day. I miss your posts :)
My gosh this cake looks amazing.
i'm glad you are still cooking and eating and enjoying your new kitchen. good to know that life goes on without technology. i sometimes wonder. that said, i hate computer issues (so annoying). especially, since i feel so helpless.
Super sad about your computer. Does this mean you got it fixed? Or just that you stole one? If you stole one, I say go ahead and keep it. I miss your regular posting.
Wow Looks just AAA MAA ZINGS :)
does it really call for KA bread flour ?
am curious about the use of glucose, am guessing it lightens the batter.
Good job :)
Da: Me too. :)
Sienna: Yeah. I normally feel like I can fix anything on the computer, but hardware... Well... Now it's over.
Katie: Not fixed. Nothing stolen. Yet. I'm getting some ideas though... Ha ha.
Shar: When she calls for regular flour, she says use KAF. Interesting, yes? I noticed a huge difference when I used them in the cookies.
Also, the glucose made a big difference too. It added chewiness, I think.
Urgh, computer problems are the worst, because usually I have no idea what I did wrong, or what is wrong with the computer, nor what to do about it without having to buy a brand new one. Hope you resolve the issues.
Christina Tosi rocks. I can't wait for March where I'll be tripsying to her Momokufu Milk Bar to get a taste of her junk cookies and crack pie.
Yes, King Arthur rules :O)
Used it for my pizza dough and got rave reviews. So light and fluffy.
Trouble is its so pricey in the islands.
My cousin was so sweet she sent me two bags in the mail but the postage was $14 :(
Ah! SO THIS is where Karla got it from. haha. Well, it was amazing. Still delving into the cookbook you handed me the other day. Reading it from cover to cover. THANK YOU!
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